Over 30 Years Experience

FleetPursuit is a proud family-owned Queensland-based business, operating throughout Australia and New Zealand, and has been offering fleet management systems, fleet tracking and other services since 2006.
The most powerful and affordable vehicle tracking solutions available. Our web-based online software platform, world’s number one – made available to our customers of all sizes at an affordable low cost.
Partnered with our European software developers, Gurtam, you can be rest assured you will have one of the very best solutions with constant enhancements, improvements and new functions made available as our customers needs change and technology advancements are made available. Bespoke customisations are also for customers needing some more unique functionality is also available.
Over 30 years experience across Australasia and in global markets.
Dedicated local customer support to help you drive efficiency improvements.
With decades spent consulting to operational managers and creating software solutions to improve productivity, Alan Klein founded FleetPursuit to provide the most effective, flexible and advanced GPS tracking management solutions available in Australia, for every size business.
From low-cost solutions you can run on a smartphone to powerful hardware-based products that can increase efficiency in every aspect of your business, we have a solution that will significantly improve your customer service and cut your operating costs.
Much of the GPS technology now available is not well known by those outside the industry and we know you’ll be amazed at what we can do to measurably improve your operating efficiency and keep your customers happier. Beyond vehicles, we can also track equipment in your business to ensure it is being used as efficiently as possible.
FleetPursuit are committed to assisting and supporting business improve their processes by working smarter, and operating more efficiently to maintain their competitive edge. The team are driven to working closely with each individual client in order to provide not just any solution, but one that both fits their requirements and budget.
By understanding our clients and being across changes in the GPS tracking industry, are we able to enhance and further develop our software platform to ultimately continue to provide a long-term solution for the ever-changing needs of businesses.
The flexibility of FleetPursuit management structure allows us the ability to customise not only the “standard” requirements of any business using a GPS device, but we also achieve the seemingly impossible, and the unusual, requirements and challenging needs some may have.
FleetPursuit are partnered with the world’s leading telematics GPS software developers based in Europe, with over 3,745,000 active GPS units operating in 130 countries from over 450 OEM manufacturers.
Our customers are reassured that they are working with one of the best telematic GPS solutions businesses in Australia and New Zealand.
Contact us today to find out how we can help and why FleetPursuit is the best choice for your GPS Tracking solution.