AWS Platform

Hire companies invest enormous amounts of money into their valuable equipment and all to often don’t know how, when or sometime where it is used!

I hope the below will provide you with an insight and information that may help with your business. This also applies to almost any hired equipment not just plant and dry hire.

Q: How is your valuable hire plant and or dry hire equipment being used and treated when hired out?!

We continually speak with clients and other business and are amazed of what we hear to this regard.

Has the following happened to you or have you heard similar?

Hire client: I want to hire (equipment) for 30 days and we will only be using the equipment 5 days a week, 8 hours a day, so wish to only pay accordingly.

Only for you to find they have actually been using it everyday and often not even at the same location but can’t charge them because you can’t prove it!

Not only are you losing money but what about maintenance and other associated issues.

Business is tough enough these days as it is without extra burdens you shouldn’t have to bear!

How do you monitor all the important aspects of your hire equipment?

If the equipment was being used outside the agreed, do you know and more importantly can you prove it?!

Do you know the how, what, when and wheres of your equipment 24/7?

How do you monitor or manage:

  • How many hours the client is using it – per day/week/month?
  • When is the client using it – per day/week/month?
  • How many engine hours are being done?
  • How much mileage is being driven?
  • Has it remained at the location?
  • Is it being abused – over revving RPM?
  • If it was stolen could you locate it?
  • Manage maintenance scheduling?

All these are very important needing monitoring and management including, sadly, in many cases PROOF if it is contrary to contracted agreement.

Knowing or having this information available at any time 24/7, how much could this save your business?

With utilisation of GPS and tracking technologies this is simple fundamentals and easily achieved at quite a low cost.

What’s more, through this technology you can even automate the system to let you know when any exceptions happen 24/7. Further reducing admin time in monitoring the system.

The availability of an effective GPS tracking/monitoring solution can cost as little as $1 a day. Between the value of your equipment, reducing costs, improving profits and piece of mind this can be a very inexpensive but valuable tool to utilise.

Have a look how easy it is to access all this info and more:

Seeing through the eyes of our Fleet Pursuit AWS online software

Live data including Location, RPM, Speed and Engine hours

AWS Platform

Data when you want, it how you want it:

Asset Data

Reports – Exceptions, Utilisation, Hours, etc. exportable and automated, many reports available:


We take pride in providing solutions that fit your needs and budget, not just something out of a box.