Need to know! Simple Ways to Increase Productivity & Profit


Need to know – Maximising Productivity & Profit each and every day is more and more important than ever to remain competitive in a tougher and tougher market. It is not rocket science it is simple and basic.

Today with the availability of AFFORDABLE technology it is both easier and more accessible. Gone are the days when you had to sell your soul or take out a larger overdraft in order to access technology that only the BIG guys could afford!

Businesses are now, more than ever, looking at technology to help them increase efficiency and increase productivity while also reducing administration.

Are you taking advantage of affordable technology or are you still working the hard way – old school?

FLEETPursuit has been working for many years helping businesses, both big and small, achieve greater productivity and improving efficiency whilst they grow their bottom line.

Time, efficiency and productivity = greater profits & reduced costs


Ask yourself, particularly if you are in a service industry or operate a field team of any kind:

How much is just 1 extra job worth to my business per week, month or maybe per day?!

I normally work on the value of 1 extra job a month per field team, but our clients keep telling me that I should be working on 1 per day as this is what many have achieved!

What does this mean?

The value that they put on the 1 extra job after costs is $300 PER FIELD TEAM UNIT!!! If you have 6 field teams, that’s an extra $1,800!!

Let’s keep it conservative at 1 extra job per week, based on 6 field teams. What does this mean?

  • $1,800 each week
  • $7,200 each month
  • $86,400 each year

How would $86,400 affect your bottom line?
Can you afford not to have an extra $86,400 per year?

To maximise productivity of field, some basic fundamentals and technology are simple and very affordable.

You need to know “where” field units/teams are at any time, how long they have been there and where they are going. This knowledge helps you manage and deploy your team where and when they are most effective.

Knowing where field units/teams are “now” provides transparency and allows you to assign a job to the closest field team as a job comes in. Yes you can phone them but:

  • Will they or should they answer? Remember they are on a job on the customer’s time when working
  • You might think you know where they are when calling but are they?
    • Maybe they have moved on to another job elsewhere
    • How often do you hear – I’m at “x”, 10mins away; when in fact they are at “y” 30mins away
    • A client calls and asks how far away the techs are – can you tell them without calling the field team or tech directly to ask them?
    • Customer service, keep your customers updated on arrival delays
  • How much admin time does it take including the time cost hunting down the closest field team? Couldn’t staff be more productive without this activity?

Value of knowing:

  • How long is each field team spending on site?
    • Are they spending too much time on site?
    • Maybe a customer claims they were only there for an hour, but you charged 2 hours – can you provide any kind of proof for when and how long?
  • What mileage are the vehicles traveling:
    • Are the vehicles being used excessively after hours
    • Maybe work needs to be redistributed as one team does way more
    • Which team is the most productive or how productive is each
  • Driver behaviour – cost of additional fuel and wear & tear:
    • Harsh breaking or steering
    • Speeding, costing additional fuel or when a speeding ticket is received in the post
    • Sad but true, often workers moonlight, using your vehicles and tools
  • Various reporting or scheduling reports for stops, trips, mileage and maintenance intervals.

One very cost effective solution to achieve this is through GPS/IVMS tracking technology.

This is an instant, more transparent and cost effective easy way to know what team is where in order to make the best decision.

This option is implemented with minimal or no disruption, easy for staff to utilise and achieves a very fast Return on Investment.

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There are multiple options available that can be customised to YOUR requirements and needs.

For as little as $25 per month, it could be worth your while investigating to see how it can help you get that extra job per week, and potentially earn an extra $86,400 per year?!

How would this effect your business, how much extra could you achieve?

Not all businesses need the same level of tracking functionality, so why pay for or implement a solution that is not suited to YOUR business and needs.

Do you currently have a solution in place, Are you paying too much?

Give the FleetPursuit solutions team a call today or email us today and ask how we can improve your bottom line and help you achieve greater productivity through affordable GPS technology !

Click to Email The Solutions Team or Phone: 07 3236 6055